18 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Ussery is the size of a bell pepper
Total Weight Gained: No weight gained yet ~ I still weigh about the same as I did pre-pregnancy, but I think it's redistributed a little bit.
Maternity Clothes: I have a nice little maternity clothes section in my closet. This week I ordered a Dallas Cowboys maternity t-shirt. I am looking forward to getting that. My Mom (Mamaw) also sent me a couple of new things last week that are super cute for fall/winter. Thanks Mom! The top I am wearing in this picture isn't maternity, but it fits me a little loose. I am wearing this same top in my 13 week post (click here to see that picture and how I've changed in the same outfit).
Gender: We will found out TUESDAY!!! If he/she cooperates during the sonogram that is...fingers crossed and prayers lifted! It's really going to get more FUN once we know if we are having a boy or girl.
Name: We have our names picked out, but waiting to reveal his or her name once we find out. Everyone will know this little one's name this week!
Movement: No movement yet, but should be happening any day now. It can happen as early as the 16th week and as late as the 21st week.
Sleep: Overall, I'm sleeping pretty good right now - a little bit of restlessness here and there, but not too bad.
What I Miss: I can't really think of anything I missed too bad this week.
Cravings: No cravings yet
How I'm Feeling: I am feeling really good! I've had a little more back pain and pressure and a little discomfort over the past week, but not too bad. It doesn't hang around too long and it could be so much worse!!
Best Moment last Week: We went to a Christian based parenting conference called "Raising Truly Great Kids" on Saturday and it was wonderful. We learned SO much and it really opened our eyes in a lot of different areas. It wasn't a class on how to change diapers, feed a baby, rock them to sleep, speed up their development, educate them, etc...it was a class on how to love them, encourage them, support them, care for them and grow their heart. It was about loving and dealing with your children like God deals with us. How to raise your child for true greatness - which means he or she having a passionate love for the Lord that shows itself in our child's love and concern for others. We also signed up for a few classes at the hospital in November and December about all sorts of topics. We will also take a tour of the maternity wing in the hospital during one of the classes.
John's Mom (Grandma) bought me a pregnancy planner right after we found out we were pregnant and I love it! It is set up like a calendar so you can record all of your appointments, important dates, milestones in the pregnancy and so on. There are also places to record your weight, thoughts, ideas and questions. Also throughout are some recipes, ways to care for yourself, tips and tricks.
At this point in the pregnancy it suggested to find a way once a week or once a day to connect with your baby. We obviously already do a lot of praying for our sweet one, but I decided that this week I would start reading a book to Baby Ussery once a week. These will be books they will hear over and over again once they are in our home, but until then I will enjoy sharing these stories with them.
The book for this week is called "The Pumpkin Patch Parable". It's a cute story and perfect for fall...plus there's a cute beagle puppy in it that looks a lot like Calvin.
Until we meet again...
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