Parker and I want to wish Parker's Daddy a very HAPPY FATHER'S DAY

John is such a great Dad. I'm so thankful that God blessed us with Parker because to deprive a child the opportunity to have John as their father would have been a tragedy. He was ready with all of the qualities it would take to be an amazing Dad, we just needed a child to make it possible for him to have that role and responsibility. Hooray for Parker! 

In our marriage, John and I have always had a "teammate" mentality. We are partners on the same team and help each other out with everything. We are a dynamic duo and try to handle all that comes our way as best we can - together...with God's help as well - of course!  This definitely applies to parenting Parker. For the past two years we have been by each other's side in this new world of being parents - through all of the ups and downs, fun and challenges. I love being a Mom and I know John loves being a Dad and it's a pleasure to be parents together.  I'm so thankful for you John and it's a joy to watch you be a Dad. I wouldn't be the Mom I am without your help. You do more than I ever dreamed my husband and the father of my child(ren) would do.  You are such a hands-on Dad and that means so much to me and Parker both. You are selfless, sacrificial and willing to do anything to help. I say a huge thank you! 

Parker sure loves his Daddy! They are big buddies. It does my heart good to see the two of them laughing, playing, running around outside, talking, reading and having fun!  I cannot wait to see their relationship blossom over the coming years.


I will post some comparison pictures from the past few Father's days and some shots from this year's Father's Day once we celebrate later today.

Until we meet again...
