Glass Cleaner

In my new role as a Domestice Engineer (click here for that post), I am looking for ways to save money and cut costs.

I've always been a "coupon clipper", but I went from a semi-casual clipper to a more attentive and focused clipper now that I'm blessed with more time - matching ads and coupons together. I hope to blog more about "couponing" in the future. In these past 2 weeks, I've saved a good amount of money thanks to coupons so hopefully I can share some tips and ideas.

But today I wanted to share another way to save money - making things at home. There are several ways to save money while staying right inside your home. Whether it be with meals and cooking, making homemade gifts, crafting, being resourceful with items around the house, making a few budget changes...and so on, there are ways to save at home.

Today, I wanted to share that I've been making my own glass cleaner. I purchased a spray bottle at the dollar store and mixed up my own cleaner. I haven't bought glass cleaner at the store sense. Luckily I already had the ingredients since they are common household prouducts, but they are super cheap if you don't have them. Once you buy them, they will last a while so you can make this over and over.

To make your own you will need vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water. Depending on the size of your spray bottle, you may need to double this recipe or cut it in half - adjust however necessary. For my bottle, I used 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol, 1/2 cup of water and 2 teaspoons of vinegar. I also bought the cheapest bottle of the vinegar and rubbing alcohol - brand doesn't matter. Remember, we want to SAVE money!

Meet the cast of characters...

I poured each ingredient into the bottle through a funnel, put the sprayer on and gave it a good shake...

And there you have it. It doesn't smell the best, but it works! When the bottle is empty, I'll just make more. You could even add blue food coloring if you want to make it look like Windex - hah! I left mine au naturale.

Like I said, I hope to share more ways to save money in the future. I'm not an expert by any means. I'm learning too and looking for tips from others and online, but I want to share with you too anything that might help. My Mom said instead of "Hints from Heloise" maybe I could share "Recommendations from Riley". I like it!

On a completely different note, I am busy preparing for our trip to Mount Vernon. We will leave tomorrow afternoon when John is off work. We haven't been to visit John's family since Christmas so we are due for a visit. Our nephew Jacob is also graduating from 6th grade and he and his brother Isaac will be playing in a weekend baseball tournament we'll be able to go to. There will also be lots of eating, visiting and game playing. It should be a great trip. Until we meet again...
