I Heart Dave Ramsey!
I’ve always been a financial nerd. I get excited about reconciling our bank statement each month, writing real checks, making various money related spreadsheets and developing monthly budgets. It’s part of my “Type A” personality I guess – being a perfectionist, wanting things organized and having a system for everything, so I thought I had a pretty good handle on the Ussery finances. But when I heard about Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class being offered through church (Fall 2009), I was eager to sign up and take the course. I had listened to Dave Ramsey before and John had read through his "Total Money Makeover" book early in our marriage, so we knew a few things about his program. However, we never really put into practice his methods. It was time for that to change - we were ready to get on board with the Dave Ramsey plan. Knowing the little that I did about Dave, I was confident the classes would help us make improvements to our way of handling ...